
Cheryl (rheumatoid arthritis patient and occupational therapist) and rheumatologist Dr. Percy Balderia* discuss the mental health effects of rheumatology diseases, hot topics in the field and conclude this three part interview series.

  1. (Minute 0:06) – Mental health & Rheumatology
  2. (Minute 1:03): Personalized medicine and Rheumatology (including potential for targeted medication)
  3. (Minute 1:53): Patient and provider collaboration in Rheumatology
  4. (Minute 3:50): Concluding Thoughts
  5. (Minute 4:54) Outtakes!

This is part 3 of a 3 part interview – you can see part 1 here and part 2 here.

*Dr. Percy Balderia is a rheumatologist who sees patients at The Polyclinic Madison Center and The Polyclinic Downtown in Seattle, Washington. He has a special interest in rheumatoid arthritis. He trained at the University of Washington and was awarded The Arthritis Foundation fellowship.

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