
Have you ever felt lost, overwhelmed and alone while trying to navigate *real* life with  rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis or similar rheumatic disease?

You are not alone. I created Rheum to THRIVE to provide the evidence-based education, empowerment and support that people living with rheumatic disease so desperately need & deserve.

Registration open for Fall 2023 groups!

I’m thrilled to announce that doors are OPEN for the Fall 2023 Rheum to THRIVE arthritis support groups -choose the one that fits your schedule the best: 

  • Mondays at 7:30pm ET / 6:30pm CT / 5:30pm MT /  4:30 PT
  • Tuesdays at 5:00pm ET / 4:00pm CT / 3:00pm MT / 2:00pm PT -or-
  • Wednesdays at 12:30pm ET / 11:30am CT / 10:30am MT / 9:30am PT

The arthritis support groups are capped at 16 people so sign up now if you want to save your spot!

Why did I form Rheum to THRIVE?

After working as an OT for 10 years and living with RA for 20 years, I noticed that many patients were left completely on their own with no education, guidance or support. Managing rheumatic disease is a job, and no one was providing any sort of orientation or guidance!


I created Rheum to THRIVE to be that orientation guide for your new “job” of being a chronic, rheumatic disease patient. You could figure this out on your own, but it is VERY complex, full of gray areas, and much more painful to go through on your own than with guidance and support!

Rheum to THRIVE is the only comprehensive, online program I know of that is *specifically* designed for people with inflammatory, autoimmune forms of arthritis and similar rheumatic diseases.

What will you learn? 

In Rheum to THRIVE, I walk you through the THRIVE framework so you can manage the ways rheumatic disease affects your *whole* life, not just your joints. Here’s our itinerary: 


🌟 Tools for Pain & Fatigue: prevent and reduce both!

🌟 Helpful Habits: Understand how exercise, nutrition, and sleep impact disease, using evidence *specific to rheumatic disease* 

🌟 Relationships & Social Life: manage friendships, family, romance and work 

🌟 Inner world: reduce stress and build a coping toolbox

🌟 Values & valued activities: reconnect to what matters to you

🌟 Executive functions: track symptoms, advocate & become the “CEO” of your care team

Go at your own pace or do the course plus a support group! 

Rheum to THRIVE: the self-paced course includes lecture materials, handouts and a digital workbook, which you can go through at your own pace. 

The course + support group program includes 12 intimate meetings all facilitated by Cheryl, where I can answer your burning questions and you can connect with others who “get it.” 


What are people saying who’ve taken the program?

Here are just a few examples:

“I definitely feel less overwhelmed and anxious facing the very volatile nature of psoriatic arthritis. I have more tools to deal with the inevitable curve balls this disease throws at you. I also very much appreciated seeing all the adaptive devices shared by Cheryl and the other group members. I benefitted from many ‘tips and tricks’ shared.” – Mary Ellen, 2023

This program helped me find my way back to myself! I felt incredibly lost and isolated in my fight with chronic illness. The program was easy to follow and really informative. Connecting with people with similar lived experiences helped me accept a new normal and recognize that I have a right to take up SPACE in this world! Now that I’ve graduated the program, I still return to the helpful lessons and continue to enjoy connecting with the friends I have made.” – Erin, 2023


“I feel like I have gained a new lease of life with my RA Toolbox. I feel inspired to chase after my goals and not let RA dictate my life. I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to connect with a great leader and group of people.” – C, 2023

“Rheum to Thrive has been very rewarding for me. I have finally found a sense of belonging in a community since being diagnosed with RA. This group has brought me hope, inspiration, and a genuine feeling of compassion. There are so many things we can’t control about having rheumatic disease. One thing we can control is becoming informed and taking care of ourselves. Choosing to join Rheum to Thrive was something that pushed me out of my comfort zone but I’m so glad that I did it. One of the things I’ve taken away is that I am deserving of that time and commitment and support from others.” – A. W., 2023

“Meeting other people with rheumatic diseases has been hugely helpful for me. Even though I’ve tried to cultivate more relationships within the chronic illness community, the specificity of talking about arthritis with this group has been much different than talking about illness more generally. I really appreciate the opportunity to ask questions, even along the lines of “hey, do you have this symptom too?” I also find the discussion of coping techniques and strategies really useful.” – Lorraine, 2023

Have questions? Drop them in the comments!