
Have you heard of ableism, or prejudice and discrimination against people with health conditions or disabled people?

Today I want to talk about some of the more subtle forms that ableism can take. Sometimes things that seem optimistic or hopeful (like saying “you can overcome rheumatoid arthritis”) are actually build on an implicitly ableist worldview.

I’ll be exploring what ableism is, and how people in rheumatology can counteract ableism at my upcoming talk at the American College of Rheumatology’s 2024 Convergence conference: “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Impact of Ableism on Persons with Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases.”

I also highly recommend Tiffany Yu’s recent book “The Anti-Ableist Manifesto” which outlines lots of specific actions you can take to build a more inclusive and less ableist world!

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Video description: Cheryl (brown haired woman) speaks to camera while injecting medication. She is wearing a gray sweater and black pants and is sitting in front of a wall with flamingo patterned wallpaper