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For most people, getting diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis is overwhelming!

It’s kind of like starting a brand new job, with no orientation manual. You have to learn SO many new skills, from how to track symptoms to how to explain to your friends, family and coworkers that you have a disease even though you “don’t look sick”…plus, you don’t necessarily have *more time* to adjust to all these new tasks to complete!

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I am sharing *my* master checklist for all the most important tasks for managing your physical, social, and emotional life. You can find it here.

Getting organized is one of the best ways to counteract overwhelm. Having *all* your tasks in one place can make it easier to wrap your head around your new role as a healthcare patient.

What do you think – did I miss anything important? Do you wish you had had a checklist earlier in your journey with chronic illness? Let me know in the comments!