
Are you interested in helping improve representation of skin of color within rheumatic disease education?


The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) is hosting a “Image competition” which is dedicated to images of rheumatic disease in skin of color. 
According to the ACR website: “The Rheumatology Image library is a highly accessed teaching resource, and the underrepresentation of skin of color represents a significant educational gap. We encourage the global rheumatology community to submit images that will help healthcare providers identify rheumatic disease manifestations in skin of color.” – American College of Rheumatology

Who can enter:

Healthcare providers who treat people with rheumatic disease. If you are a patient and are interested in helping contribute to this effort, you may bring this image contest up to your provider.

skin of color

What kinds of images should be submitted?

Those of a diverse range of patients that show Clinical rheumatic manifestations in skin of color

To learn more and enter:

Go to the American College of Rheumatology website here.

To learn about one patient’s experience being a black woman with rheumatoid arthritis, check out my interview with Randi Blackmon on the Arthritis Life podcast here.

To hear reflections from a Rheumatologist of color, Dr. Maggie Cadet, see episode 13 of the Arthritis Life Podcast, titled: “Race, Gender and Rheumatology.”