Copy of Waitlist Open Announcement June

People with rheumatic diseases don’t want to just survive…we want to THRIVE!

𝗕𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁’𝘀 *𝗻𝗼𝘁* 𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘆…

Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis are notoriously difficult…

✅ Difficult to diagnose
✅ Difficult to treat
✅ Difficult to explain to friends and family
✅ Difficult to LIVE and COPE with!

To add insult to injury, since these conditions are invisible, people are often invalidated by friends and family by being told they “don’t look sick” or “it could be worse.”

To put it bluntly, after eighteen years of living with rheumatoid arthritis, and nine years of being an occupational therapist, one thing has become abundantly clear: people with rheumatic diseases need and deserve MORE.

⭐️ More social and emotional support
⭐️ More expert guidance
⭐️ More tools to cope with pain, fatigue and other systemic symptoms
⭐️ More understanding on the part of friends, family and coworkers
⭐️ More credit for how hard we work

I created the Rheum to THRIVE support program to help fill the gap between what patients are currently *getting* from the healthcare system, and what they really *need* in order to manage a FULL, vibrant, thriving existence with rheumatic diseases.

🙌 I created the THRIVE Framework to give people the tools to truly live, not just survive.

👩‍🏫 Over the last three months it’s been an absolute pleasure to facilitate the inaugural group of Rheum to THRIVE members.

❤️ During our weekly meetings I’ve seen people go from alone to supported, overwhelmed to empowered, and from confused to just a little more clear on their next steps of action.

🎉 I’m thrilled to announce that the waitlist is now OPEN for new members to join the current group later this month!

✅Join the waitlist to be the *first* to know all the details about this program, including bonuses and notification for when registration officially opens at the end of the month

✅To join the waitlist, simply click here.

❤️You don’t have to figure out how to truly LIVE with rheumatic disease on your own. Join the waitlist today!