
I am thrilled to announce that the replays of all twelve sessions from the Arthritis Life Hack Extravaganza are now on Youtube – check them out below! The response to this event was truly epic and I’m so grateful to each and every presenter and attendee for taking the time to learn and connect.

Here are some of my favorite pieces of feedback from the event:

“Every topic had at least one thing, and many more, that I could use or incorporate into my RA journey…I truly felt like part of a community and not alone. All speakers were so knowledgeable and personable. Moderators, what more can one say, well done! This was an amazing day, time well spent and it was free!”

“I loved that you brought the community of arthritis together and that you brought in/supplied so much information from so many different people/specialists. I found it incredibly informative and learned so much from the small amount that I was able to attend”

“The sense of community and the shared experiences that brought us all together! It was so beautiful to see people of such different backgrounds come together and empower one another while sharing their expertise!” 

Which session was your favorite? Let me know in the comments!

Extravaganza Videos thumbnail and intro image   seconds