
I’m excited to announce that I’m hosting a free webinar on Monday, September 11th: Three ways to Manage Stress & Thrive with Chronic Illness!

Kinds of Stress with Chronic Illness

There are many different kinds of stress associated with chronic illness, including:

  • Social stress (friends and family not understanding, difficulties with dating and relationships and more)
  • Cognitive stress (mental overwhelm from trying to sort through ALL the information required to understand what your condition is and how to manage it)
  • Emotional stress (processing sadness, grief and/or anxiety about your condition, emotional responses to the physical sensation of pain and more)

In the webinar, I’ll share the exact process that I follow to manage stress while living with rheumatoid arthritis. I will also explore why generic “stress reduction techniques” don’t always apply to chronic, fluctuating, unpredictable conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. 

I’m looking forward to sharing my best tips from twenty years of experience living with rheumatoid arthritis, plus evidence based tips from my expertise as an occupational therapist. I’ll also touch upon the tried and tested techniques that have worked for the over 100 Rheum toTHRIVE support group members over the last three years. 

You will walk away with tools to thrive *despite* rheumatic disease and challenges such as pain, fatigue, social stress and more.

All the webinar details!

  • Date: Monday, September 11th
  • Time: 7:30pm ET / 6:30pm CT / 5:30pm MT / 4:30pm PT
  • Replay: YES, a link to a video replay will be available but you must register to get it.
  • Registration: Register here 

Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you there!